
Waikato Dairy Farming Benchmarking

We are excited to revive  our Waikato Dairy Farming Benchmarking reports.

We have a long and proud history of supporting the Dairy Industry in the Waikato which is reflective of our annual Waikato Dairy Farming Benchmarking reports that span back over four decades. After some time away from producing our reports, we were excited to revive our stats in 2021.

The reports have been collated by our team from actual cash trading data of our Dairy farming clients throughout the Waikato region. The data collected is then used to work out average statistics and benchmarks across the greater Waikato Dairy Farming region. The stats currently include a data pool of over 90 clients, which we plan to grow year on year.

What’s included in the stats?
The statistics are broken down into four main client groups;

  • Farm Owner/Operators
  • Farm Owner with 50/50 Sharemilkers
  • 50/50 Sharemilkers
  • Farm Owner with Contact Milker

Different from our historic statistics, our benchmarking includes a statistics snapshot for each category, which now provides a useful one page summary and benchmarking on personal drawings.

We consider this a useful and important benchmark for the industry, providing a meaningful statistical analysis of dairy results. Benchmarking your own farm against these stats will allow you to see the areas of your business which are out performing others and those where you can make changes to increase your profitability. 

There is good value in benchmarking and we encourage everyone to measure their results against our statistics. If you would like to look into specific benchmarking and budgeting for your own situation, please contact our team.

Our Benchmarking reports

Benchmarking reports

2020/21 season

Benchmarking reports

2021/22 SEASON

Benchmarking reports

2022/23 season

Benchmarking reports

2023/24 season

Explanation video

Check out our 8 min video to hear how the data is collected, what it means & the benefits of using benchmarking in your business.

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