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Rory Noorland

Chartered Accountant, LLB, BMS

“Every client has different needs or issues to solve. My job is to provide them with more than just a template solution to their problems.”

Having studied both law and accounting, Rory discovered he had an interest in tax-related issues early in his career with a Big Four accounting firm before he joined CooperAitken in February 2010. In recent years, he has developed his tax speciality, sitting on a Chartered Accountants Committee (the National Tax Liaison Committee), which meets with Inland Revenue to advocate for changes in the tax system, raise concerns, and act as a sounding board for new initiatives. 

The combination of his law and accounting degrees gives Rory the skills to analyse his clients’ issues from a number of outcomes. He works with clients to achieve positive outcomes, help them prosper, and obtain positive results.

He believes his role is first to provide services so clients can focus on what they’re passionate about, rather than carrying out core compliance activities. He also aims to give them knowledge about where their business is going, what they want to achieve, and how to get there. He is particularly proud of his work with Milktech, a startup company that he provided guidance to. 

When he isn’t helping clients with tax issues or working with the National Tax Liaison Committee, Rory can be found enjoying football and golf. He is the treasurer of Melville United, where he is a third-generation club member. He also coaches his sons’ football teams. 

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